Andrew Stricklin is a master’s student in urban and regional planning. Concentrating on both Transportation Policy & Planning and Design & Development, he is interested in understanding how our public spaces, streets, and transportation systems can influence our neighborliness, sense of belonging and civic engagement. Before joining LARiverWorks, Andrew worked at LA Metro on the Regional Transit Planning team. In this role, he focused on evaluating applications for Metro’s 2015 Call For Projects, a process that awards funding for local jurisdictions and transit operators seeking federal, state and local funds to improve all modes of surface transportation. Prior to pursuing his master’s degree, Andrew served as a Teach For America corps member in Fort Worth, Texas, where he taught physics and chemistry at an English-language immersion school for first-year immigrants and refugees to the U.S.
As a 2015-2016 recipient of the David Bohnett Fellowship, Andrew will be working in the Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti at LARiverWorks, a specialized interdepartmental team established to accomplish the revitalization of the Los Angeles River. In this capacity, he will serve as a transportation specialist, collaborating with local agencies to develop pedestrian and bike paths along the River and to create transit and non-motorized connections to the River. Andrew, who earned his BA in English at the University of Florida, loves music videos, TED talks and exploring new cities.