Everardo Alvizo received his Master’s Degree in Social Welfare with a concentration in organizations, communities and policy settings. He specialized in nonprofit sector services to capitalize on his experiences working with the Housing Rights Center (HRC), Los Angeles’ fair housing council.
As a David Bohnett Fellow, Everardo was a part of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s Housing and Economic Development Team, under the direction of Helmi Hisserich, Deputy Mayor of Housing and Economic Development Policy and Leslie Wise, Homelessness Policy Coordinator.
Everardo is now a Program Analyst for Special Service for Groups (SSG), a nonprofit organization with more than 20 programs throughout Los Angeles County dedicated to providing community-based solutions to the social and economic issues facing those in greatest need.
Everardo is also an Advisory Board member of the Latino Equality Alliance, a Los-Angeles based grassroots organization that seeks to combat homophobia in Latino communities through community engagement and family acceptance.