May 18, 2003
Los Angeles, California – The David Bohnett Foundation today announced the recipients of their second
March 20, 2003
The David Bohnett Foundation has awarded the Human Rights Campaign $75,000 to fund a two-year pilot program outreaching to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
January 20, 2003
It was a full house at the Jan. 6 opening reception of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center's David Bohnett Cyber Center
January 15, 2003
Los Angeles, California – The David Bohnett Foundation today announced the recipients of their third
August 1, 2002
Los Angeles, California – The David Bohnett Foundation today announced the recipients of their third
June 13, 2002
San Diego, CA-Family Pride Coalition, a national advocacy organization serving LGBT parents and their families
March 1, 2002
Los Angeles, California – The David Bohnett Foundation today announced the recipients of their second
February 20, 2002
Californians for Civil Marriage (CCM), a project of the Tides Center, is an innovative effort that has emerged as a leader in the 'Freedom to Marry' movement in California.