Emily Ellison

Emily, the 2024 Bohnett Fellow, is a Master of Public Policy candidate at the University

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Andrew Garrett

Andrew Garrett (NYU Wagner MPA 2024) is deeply passionate about belonging, community building, and bringing

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Katrina Wheelan

Katrina Wheelan (MPP ‘25) works at the intersection of data science and social science, using quantitative

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Madison Prinzing

Madison Prinzing (MPP ’25) is a lifelong Michigander with roots at the University of Michigan with

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Josh Chun

Josh is a first-generation Korean-American born and raised in Northeast Philadelphia. Throughout his time in

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Jazmin Kay

Driven by a passion to increase civic engagement and strengthen local communities, Jazmin has served

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Alexandra Perez

Alexandra, the 2023-2024 Bohnett Fellow, is a Master of Public Policy candidate at the University

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Nelowfar Ahmadi

Nelowfar Ahmadi is a first generation Afghan-American pursuing a Masters in Public Policy at the

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Jose Alvarez

Jose is a current Master of Urban & Regional Planning Candidate at UCLA Luskin School

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India Woods

India Woods is a native of Kansas City, Missouri but has spent the last year

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