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The David Bohnett Foundation is funding a pipeline — albeit, small — of young people who want to work in local government.
Carmen de Lavallade, Norman Lear, Gloria Estefan, LL Cool J and Lionel Richie were honored at this year’s event.
I see no reason to think that after all these years, Bay Area techies will suddenly experience some collective David Bohnett or Paul Allen-esque arts epiphany.
As politics move backward, Stanford’s new LGBT Executive Program offers a nice push forward.
For more than a decade, HRC has held an annual summit for LGBTQ student leaders from many of the nation’s historically Black institutions.
Guests from politicians to philanthropists share in an evening of fun and fireworks to mark the massive project’s completion and show continued support for the university.
With determination and a plan, Makki convinced DWSD to invest in his startup company, and the results have been off the charts.
“I got my shot. And now it’s my duty to help others get their shot.”
The David Bohnett CyberCenter, opened in 2012, has just been equipped with all new state-of-the art computers and a printer.
Now in its 15th year, the David Bohnett LGBTQ Leaders Fellowship sends promising government officials to Harvard—specifically to a three-week summer fellowship at the Kennedy School of Government.